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Monday, August 15, 2011

Set free

Uni-verse 172/10,000 For better through verse John 8 v 32
Joh 8:32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

Knowing Jesus as Lord and Saviour sets us free from the bondage of sin and the captivity of death. The saying of the French philosopher Rousseau that," Man is born free but is everywhere is in chains" is not true as everywhere and in all ages, man was not born free but in the chains of sin and death. With Jesus came grace and truth to set free all who believe that He is the way of truth and life. All the freedom fighters are the ones who are most respected in history like M.K. Gandhi or Nelson Mandela or Martin Luther King. But, Jesus was the greatest freedom fighter. He lived, died and was resurrected to set free all mankind of the yoke of sin and death.
The Word of God is the law of liberty and not a set of rules to restrict our freedom. The Word also says that where the Holy Spirit is, there is freedom. When we receive by faith the Lord Jesus into our lives, we are anointed with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit interprets the Word of God to us so that we remain free and become fruitful in our lives and our faith.
It is said, " Knowledge is power while wisdom is liberty." Knowledge makes us think about our lifetime while wisdom makes us think about eternity. Knowledge gets us earthly rewards while wisdom gets us eternal rewards. Freedom does not mean that we have the license to do whatever pleases us. With freedom comes the responsibility to grow and bear fruits of righteousness. We are servants of righteousness. But, we are servants not in the sense we have no freedom or liberty as we are Friends of God. We are set free that we become dependent on our dependable God. We are set free from the fear of death, fear of failure, fear of disapproval, fear of want, fear of curses and fear of the unknown.

Prateep V Philip

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